Are Sisterlocks for You?

I always say that if I didn't want to ever wear my hair loose again, I would seriously consider locks. Sometimes I really get tired of detangling and twisting and I daydream about how much easier it would be to have get-up-and-go hair. I think they are so pretty and are very versatile. But, after a few days of twists or braids I remember that there is just something about rocking a puff or twist-outs that keep me from going there.

My mom sometimes complains about constantly having to do her natural hair too. I will admit that working with natural hair can be frustrating, especially if I neglect it a bit and let it airdry or sleep on it so it mats. Our hair does require a certain amount of patience and care that straight hair does not. Does this make our hair less than or bad? Of course not! You guys know me better than that. I'm just saying that when it's dirty and I'm tired, it just doesn't get done till the next day!

So when I ran across this article on about the very popular Sisterlocks, originated by Dr. JoAnne Cornwell, it made me revisit the idea of locs in general.

"In 1993 Cornwell invented a special crochet hook that tightly intertwines between 300 and 500 strands of hair. The result: thin locks that represent a celebration of curls and kinks that are easy to style, using curling irons, rollers and styling products, without changing the natural texture of the hair with chemicals." (Above photo and excerpt from

I don't know, what do you guys think? I think they look pretty and they definitely seem versatile. They would also eventually grow very long if left alone, which I know matters to some women who want natural hair that also shows its length. I can't imagine maintaing them myself and I'm sure you would need to go to a special loctician to get them re-twisted every so often.

Also, Sisterlocks recently posted some youtube vids in response to Chris Rock's Good Hair.

I really love around 4:00 where Dr. Cornwell talks about the same thing I felt when I left the theater. The slideshow of pics of lovely natural girls is

I guess in the end, I still do not want to lock my hair. I'm not ruling it out, never say never as they say. But, if I ever get to the point where I do, I might consider Sisterlocks.

Is there anyone out there who has or knows of someone who has Sisterlocks? If so, what has been your experience? Would you recommend it? Let us know!