Our Golden Girl Starla is Back!

...And she was gracious enough to do a quick interview about her natural experience, her wedding, and she even included a few casual shots!

NL: Starla, thanks for taking the time to talk with me about your beautiful hair and your fabulous wedding! I loved the overall style of your big day. How did you decide on the colors, the dress, and the flowers?

I think that the most important thing about our wedding was that it completely reflected who we are both as individuals and as a couple. I was really NOT excited about planning a wedding--my mama didn't have a big wedding, I had never been in a wedding, and most weddings that I have been to didn't really reflect the couple. So making the day "ours and us" was most important. It actually wasn't until I discovered OBB, that I realized that we could do whatever we wanted!

As for the dress, my Grandma made it for me! I am so lucky that I have her. Really, it's a super simple dress with badass fabric--for about 1000 dollars less than a traditional wedding dress. I initially wanted a birdcage veil, but realized that what I really wanted was a big ass feath
ery headpiece, so I ended up making all the hairpieces. Flowers--we got lots of flowers from a local farm, and both my friend Naomi and my mother-in-law grew lots of beautiful flowers. Naomi did all the arrangements--I didn't really have much to do with the flowers, I just trusted my friend to put together a giant, beautiful bouquet. And she did. We love old soul music, and wanted our wedding to have a throwback feel, but still wanted to look young and fresh.

NL: I love the fact that your beautiful natural hair was proudly on display at your wedding. What went into your decision to style your hair the way you did?
I did struggle a bit in how to do my hair. I am a pretty casual person (and somewhat lazy when it comes to hair), but I did want it look "done." I didn't really have a plan until the day of the wedding when my aunt started doing my hair. She brought over a small curling iron and some hairspray to try out a style she thought would look good. The minute she started curling it, I was like..."STOP!" We both decided that a little lift with the blow dryer was all I needed. The three cornrows were sort of impromptu.

NL: Have you always been natural? If so, did you feel any pressure to straighten or alter your natural texture for the wedding? If not, what is your natural hair story?

No, I have not always been natural, I have had a couple of different hair styles throughout my life: a jheri curl (fell out), a relaxer (fell out), braid extensions, and then I sort of came into myself, and went natural. I didn't really have any pressure to straighten my hair for the wedding... I think people knew better than to ask me that:)

NL: It was so cute and emotional how your husband looked at you on your big day. You must have felt like a queen. Tell us, what does your husband think about your hair?

Thomas and I have been together since I transitioned my hair about 6 years ago and he has witnessed everything from my insecurities to m pride. I think that he (especially being white) has learned how important hair can play in black women's lives. He has seen it matted to my head, freshly shrunk after swimming, cornrowed, twisted, blown-out, all that. And he wouldn't have it any other way. He doesn't run his fingers through it or anything, but luckily he doesn't care about that!

NL: When you're not all glammed up, how do you normally style your hair? What is your typical hair routine (like when you wash, condish, etc)? Are there any particular products or tools that you prefer?
Like I said earlier, I'm pretty lazy about my hair. I didn't realize how much work natural hair actually is! In the summertime, I wash it a lot more cause I swim alot (it's hot in Texas) or I leave it in cornrows. Any other time, I wash it once a week--I use Shea Butter Shampoo and Conditioner. For a long while, I was using almond oil, peppermint oil, and rosemary oil to keep it moisturized, but my hair is extremely kinky and dry, so I am trying out different products right now. Any suggestions? But on a normal day, I braid my hair in large cornrows overnight, unbraid and finger through....that's if I'm not wearing a headwrap. I love headwraps.

NL: Is there anything you would like to add for other potential natural brides out there?

I think that it's important to just be you. And there is no better place to be you than at your wedding in front of all the people who love you. If you are confident enough to wear your natural hair everyday, then you should wear it on your wedding day. Plus, natural hair is beautiful.

Thanks Leslie. Your blog is awesome. I'm honored!

p.s. the pics are everyday me. nothing to fancy. The one with Thomas and I is Honduras on our Honeymoon!

Wow! Thanks again to Starla (and hubby Thomas) for sharing hair tips and the big day with us! Click here to see more pics of this beautiful natural bride.