A Relaxed Opinion

I personally do not ever want to relax my hair again. I am not opposed to people who do, although I know it's not for me. When my hair was relaxed, it was beautiful and healthy, for the most part. My decision to go natural was more about the fact that I felt the need to "fix" something that I had come to believe was broken. The transition was sparked by the feel of the crinkles and waves that would sprout from my scalp in-between relaxers. I became soooo curious about my natural texture and just wanted to know what it was all about.

I found this vid on youtube about a young woman who has gone from natural to relaxed. She is fed up! Admittedly, there is a debate out there about some women who feel relaxed hair can never be healthy hair. I personally think it is really really hard to maintain a healthy head of chemically processed hair, especially if length is a goal. I can't think of the last time I saw what I considered to be beautiful relaxed hair. That is just my opinion. But it does not mean it does not exist.
I think the point of her rant is more that people should have the choice to be natural or relaxed and women should not make other women feel bad, no matter what they choose.

So, have you ever engaged in a "natural vs relaxed" debate? If so, who was it with and what conclusion did you come to? Do you think relaxed hair can be healthy hair?