Guest Blogger: Bree of Art of Being Cool

I was contacted last night by Bree, who runs the Art of Being Cool blog, to see if I would be interested in having her as a guest blogger. I am always looking for new folks to guest blog; having other's peoples work and thoughts on my site helps keep the content interesting and fresh. So I checked out the post she wanted me to feature,I loved it and agreed to have her. I think that you ladies will really find Bree's post helpful, if I get a good response to her work I would love to have her guest blog on the regular. Don't forget to check out her blog, it's pretty cool! (No pun intended, LOL)  Enjoy the post! 

Tired of hiding those zits? Well my fellow cool people, I have a very unusual yet valid home remedy to help you stay cool and help your face stay clear! What is it you may ask? OIL! 
How many people imagined slapping thick oil on your already greasy face? I know that it sounds crazy, and I thought the same thing as well, until I tried it. As most of my readers know, I just started a new job. Well, the job is 8 hours of intense hard labor in harsh conditions, and my face and skin has gone haywire! So like most of us do, I hit the internet for a solution to my pimply skin, and one of the solutions that I found was using oil to wash your face instead of a harsh acne product. The articles reasoned that the reason that our skin makes oil is because we need it; however using harsh chemicals dries out our skin and makes it even more prone to breakouts. Using a penetrating oil, like olive oil or grapeseed oil (put away the vegetable oil!) to wash your face will give you smooth skin and within a matter of days, you'll see a difference. All of my little white head pimples were gone in 2 days (I kid you not!) I tried this on my brother, who has acne, for one day and after that one use, we could already seen a difference in his skin!

For more information on Oil Face Washes, click here!

Have you/would you ever try the Oil Cleansing Method?