Twisted UpDo

The weave is OUT ladies and I am so proud to say that I kept it in for over 2 months! That's sooooooooooo epic for me, LOL. Taking the weave install down was a pain and it reminded me why I am not a big "weave wearer" but my hair did grow A LOT!  The shed hair was ridiculous but I made sure I detangled in sections with LOTS of conditioner before washing. That is KEY to avoid tangling, knotting and breakage during the detangling process. Overall, my kinky curly weave experience was super fun and I will be buying more hair in a couple of months. I want the 18" hair next time so I can wear buns and ponytails a little easier. The 12" hair shrinks a lot, FYI! For now I will continue to wear protective styles to achieve my APL hair goal. My hair is CBL (collar bone length) for the most part when stretched. My bang area, however is MUCH shorter because when I was wearing it pressed I had my bangs cut in a side swoop--waiting for them to catch up to the rest of my hair. Growing out a cut is a pain sometimes...

Any who the above style I did on my own *gasp* yes, I achieved my first updo all by myself! The video on how I twisted the bang area is under the jump. ENJOY!
